The transits of 2007 seem to be fairly mild. They don’t have the bite of the alignment of 2006. Last year was filled with a series of challenges that kept many of us on the edge of our seats, dodging a seemingly endless series of difficulties. This year we don’t have to be as vigilant in terms of defending ourselves. We have the opportunity to focus our time and energy inward. Fortunately there is a series of aspects that are quite supportive of that inner work. Each in their own way can help us to expand our consciousness and explore deeper levels of connection to life.
The most profound of these influences is based on the transit of Pluto, the energy of transformation. This year Pluto is transiting across the geographic center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Like everything else in life, the galaxy is in constant movement. The galaxy moves in a spiral. From our geocentric perspective the core of that spiral is 26-27 degrees of Sagittarius, which is where Pluto is and will be all year. This core is considered a power place. It has a huge mass and is thus a source of gravitational force. Some people consider this area to be a portal, a source of galactic intelligence that is perhaps related to the development of consciousness. It has been theorized that the center of our galaxy is a black hole. If we were to travel deeply enough into that black hole we would eventually enter a white hole and we would emerge into a different dimension. We are experiencing this potential through the transformational power of Pluto. Pluto is the energy of death and rebirth, and thus helps us to connect with the most fundamental parts of the life cycle. If that theory of black and white holes is true, then the concept of death and rebirth as we know it fails to accurately grasp the real meaning and magnitude of those states of being. The possibility that life is endless, and that we simply move through different dimensions throughout eternity is quite thought provoking.
Pluto’s job is to help us realize what is outmoded, stagnant or boring and to eliminate it from our lives. This could pertain to relationships, habits, value systems, goals or states of consciousness. Once the old and obsolete has been removed, space and energy is released to create or allow something new. Whatever that is should be something that is meaningful and alive; something that helps us to access the power of creativity that lies within all of us.
Pluto is ruthless and relentless in pursuit of the truth. With Pluto at the galactic center this year, it provides the opportunity to become aware of the fundamental truths of being. It could exponentially increase the potential to connect with our own core and through that, to connect with Source. This in turn could catapult us to new levels of awareness, both individually and collectively. These changes could also manifest on the physical plane as attributes of our material reality shift and become either less available or less desirable. Because Sagittarius is the sign of higher consciousness, these changes could also lead to the dawning of a new concept of reality and new ways of relating to each other.
Even though 2007 is the only year that Pluto will be at the galactic center we shouldn’t expect immediate changes. There may need to be a period of time when things that reflect the old modes are eliminated. During that period the germination of the new could be gestating. What makes Pluto transits most difficult is if we hang on to that which must go. Or if we become so obsessed with the new that we forget about working through the old and just blunder clumsily into the new.
The lengthiest transit that pertains to internal change is the mutual reception between Uranus and Neptune. Mutual reception is a term astrologers use to signify that two planets are moving through each other’s sign. Uranus is said to rule Aquarius, which is where Neptune is right now. Neptune is said to rule Pisces, which is where Uranus is. This phenomenon began in 2003 and will continue until early 2011.
All of these influences pertain to collective experience and to consciousness. Uranus and Aquarius relate to the group mind and collective consciousness. Neptune and Pisces reflect the group psyche and the collective subconscious. The mutual reception between these planets suggests that the ways in which we define ourselves as individuals and the ways in which we accept and relate to others is shifting. The changes could lead to more acceptance, inclusion and compassion which would minimize judgment, elitism and detachment. We could realize and prioritize our similarities as human beings and cease to be as focused on personal needs. The fear based reality that is the foundation of greed and defensiveness could be replaced by a faith-based reality that is grounded in a personal connection to Divine Spirit.
The most interactive of the consciousness altering transits this year is the opposition between Saturn and Neptune. This aspect creates a seeming dichotomy between the world of form (Saturn) and the world of the formless (Neptune). It suggests that one is real while the other is an illusion. Yet as long as we perceive these influences in an either-or manner, we will tend to be lost, confused and alienated. The way out is to realize that each planet, and what it represents, is fundamental to being centered and being happy. Saturn teaches about the importance of grounding ourselves in the material world by taking total personal responsibility for everything we feel, think, say and do. Neptune helps us to focus on a transcendent reality, becoming aware of our connection to Spirit. It supports us in our journey to become clear and healthy emotionally and psychologically so that we can merge our consciousness with the Divine.
Each of these influences is subtle in its own way. None are going to beat us over the head and demand anything. But they do provide a unique and wonderful opportunity. They can stimulate us to open our minds, hearts and souls to new, deeper and profound ways of understanding and relating to life. By extension they help us to become more aware of what the nature of life really is and who we are in the big picture of the universal scheme of things.
Aries (March 21-April 20)