One of the most interesting, and powerful, applications of astrology is its ability to track energy cycles. This enables us to be aware of the forces in the here and now that can help us grow and maximize our potential. There are several ways that we can track these cycles. The best known are the transits. Transits pertain to the position of the planets in the sky at any given time. They apply to all everybody, although they can influence each person in different ways and in different areas. This column usually focuses on transits for the month. Another tool for investigating energy patterns in the present is called progressions. Progressions are more arcane than transits and to delve into a philosophical or academic definition of them goes beyond the scope (and space) of this column. But suffice to say that progressions are unique to each chart and each person.
Transits tend to be immediate in affect and remain influential for a few days to a few years, depending on the planet involved. Progressions are far more subtle but their influence can remain for decades.
This month a highly significant progression will affect and apply to the chart of the United States. It pertains to the planet Mars. Mars defines our energy level, our drive and motivation to express ourselves in dynamic, often physical ways. Mars has to do with new beginnings, sexuality and anger. Anything that starts within and is overtly directed is Martian. This month, progressed Mars will retrograde in the chart of the United States. This is unique to the US and won't directly affect any other country. It is also unique in that it's the first time in our nation's history that Mars has appeared to move backwards. If you are a student of astrology, or simply a regular reader of this column, you know that when a planet retrogrades, its influence becomes more internal and its energy will be expressed in a more subjective manner. When a planet retrogrades by progression the entire way that a person (or in this case the people of a country) experiences and expresses its energy changes accordingly. Due to the subtlety of progressions we may not notice anything regarding Martian issues changing for several years. But when we do notice, it could be profound.
When Mars turns retrograde, patterns change. Whatever Mars had been impelling an individual (or in this case country) to do, shifts into different patterns. So we can expect our collective behaviors involving assertiveness, conflict and sexuality to change significantly over the next few years.
In the natal chart of the United States Mars is in Gemini (communication, versatility) in the seventh house of allies and open enemies. We are a country that has always been able to initiate and generate beneficial alliances whenever we chose to do so. In 1912 Mars progressed into Libra, where it remains to this day. In the US chart Mars is currently in the tenth house (goals and public image). How we have acted globally since the early 20th Century will be changing. Shortly after Mars entered Libra the US adopted foreign policy based on neutrality and fairness, two Libran traits and it also implemented domestic policies of equality (such as women's suffrage). But Libra has a tendency to "project its shadow" and blame others for its failings. Hence it is not only the sign of harmony but also, like the seventh house, the sign of open warfare. Since the time of Mars' ingress into Libra the US has been almost continuously involved in conflict somewhere in the world. Sometimes we were merely defending ourselves. But other times we were engaged in imperialistic hostilities that boosted our economy even as they undermined the philosophical principles upon which our government is based. Even when not directly engaged in war, we are the biggest arms merchants in the world. Our products create more war and kill more people than any other nation. Currently we are the sole global military superpower.
With Mars turning retrograde this month, and remaining in that direction until 2076, we can anticipate changes in these patterns. It won't happen right away, maybe not be obvious for several years. But eventually we can anticipate at least some of the following patterns emerging:
Our role of sole military superpower will morph into the role of global mediator in which we hold other nations up to the standard set for us by our founding fathers. Of course this also implies that we the people and the governmental representatives who serve us, must start to do the same thing.
To that end a new cabinet level position will be established in the Federal Government called the Department of Peace. We could outlaw or at least limit the arms manufacturing and exporting that our corporations are allowed.
With masculine Mars turning retrograde we could even be open to electing a female president.
In a more immediate sense, we will lose our taste for war and bring our troops home from military conflicts (Iraq). We would limit our tolerance for such things as secret military prisons and torturing of prisoners. This could happen quite soon assuming that this shift in Mars also inspires many returning army vets from Iraq and Afghanistan to run for political office, as Democrats. They could score major victories, change the power in Congress from the Republican to the Democratic side, foreshadowing a change in the White House in 2008.By extension this will also impact economic policies, supporting the common person rather than the corporation, and cause more resources to be put into environmental sustainability rather than exploitation.
Mars also pertains to sexuality. Libra is the sign of one-to-one relationship. It prioritizes harmony, sharing and equality over authoritarian dominance and control. So we might notice a shift in our collective sexual drive. For example we could allow people the right to their own sexual orientation, recognizing that as long as the participants are in agreement about the nature of the relationship, who has the right or the power to deny them their preference? Similarly we could start basing our intimate relationships on the concept that both partners are of equal importance, that their respective needs have equal right to recognition and fulfillment.
It's important to be patient with this process. These and other patterns will evolve slowly over time. Libra prefers gradual, harmonious changes. The good news is that as new Martian patterns do emerge they will remain for many, many decades to come.
Aries (March 21-April 20