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The Wheel of Light

Monthly Newsletter - October 2023

One of the prime components of a horoscope is angular relationships between planets. They are called aspects. They can determine how the planetary energies relate to each other. Some aspects enable the energies to flow in harmonious ways while others indicate tension or challenges between the planets. One of the more interesting aspects connects planets that are separated by 150 degrees. This aspect is called a quincunx. It is a very challenging aspect because the planets are in signs that have nothing in common. There is no obvious way for the energies to blend. They require constant attention as we strive to integrate energies that function in different ways. Sometimes the planet will be quincunx two other planets, which in turn are sextile (60 degrees) from each other. The sextile is quite harmonious; the energies help each other out in their manifestation. This establishes an isosceles triangle in which two sides are of equal length and the third is different. Astrologically this is called a Yod (rhymes with road).

This month there will be a transiting Yod at the time of the New Moon on the 14th. There will also be a lunar eclipse on that day. So even though this aspect won’t last long, the combination of the eclipse and the Yod suggest a day loaded with possibilities.

A lunar eclipse often will accompany events that are unusual or unexpected at that time. For example, New Moons usually draw us inward, doing some personal research and preparation for the period of time that begins during a New Moon. When there is an eclipse, however, we can be confronted with events that require more presence and attention focused in some way on the outer world. It can also be a time when the general population experiences some type of challenging setback.

Amidst this process is the Yod. It combines the Moon in Libra quincunx to both Uranus in Taurus (earth) and Neptune in Pisces (water), which in turn are sextile to each other. Earth and water harmonize. The Moon will be in Libra, an air sign which is challenged by earth and water. The focus of the Moon is the here-and-now. It indicates how we tend to respond emotionally and socially to the immediate flow of life. Uranus and Neptune, however, are energies of higher consciousness. They draw our attention away from the present moment and toward the liberation of our uniqueness (Uranus) and the transcendent connection that one can experience with all that is (Neptune). The challenge, and opportunity of this transit is threefold. One is to become aware of ourselves as unique individuals who experimentally create their own reality. Two is to get in touch with that part of us which is a pure manifestation of Source. Normally that is a challenge, since the former represents individual freedom while the latter dissolves anything that appears separate back into the Oneness of life. Because they are sextile at this time (and will be all month), the apparent contradiction can be more harmoniously integrated and expressed. To have a clear sense of who we are and the unique contributions we can make to the world while simultaneously being aware of our place in the big picture is a gift and an opportunity to feel both liberated and connected at the same time.

The third part of this challenge is the eclipsed Moon. Normally, without the eclipse, this would simply be an opportunity to express the Uranus-Neptune combination in a quiet way that is so subtle, and short-lived, we might not even be aware of its existence. Because the eclipse is in play, however, this alters the length and potential impact of the Yod.

One of the most important things about life is that it offers the opportunity to continually expand out consciousness. This transiting Yod can help us do that. Remember the New Moon will be in Libra, the sign of one-to-one relationship. New Moons are times of new beginnings. Even as this aspect can help us to integrate both the Uranian and Neptunian elements of our nature, it also supports us in sharing that awareness with others with whom we interact and share experiences and conversations. It offers the opportunity to relate to others from an elevated or expanded perspective. In turn this can lead to those relationships reflecting the potential of the Yod. As we successfully integrate our uniqueness with our transcendence, we can alter those relationships, even as we can inspire others to do the same.

Quincunxes are never easy, but if we succeed in finding that sweet spot between higher consciousness and the present moment we find a balance point from which we can continue our journey in life in an ever expanding way.

AriesAries (March 21-April 20)
Aries: This is a time to focus on relationships. Early month is good for creating harmonious interactions. Later month is a time to deepen those connections and becoming more emotionally invested. Bring any negative feelings or thoughts to the surface and communicate about them in order to avoid unexpected volatility and hurt feelings.

TaurusTaurus (April 21-May 21)
Taurus: Early month is good time for playful, enjoyable social activities. Things that might have been avoided or postponed during the Venus retrograde period can be activated now. Later month is a time to refine social behaviors and work with others to improve the social interactions between you.

GeminiGemini (May 22-June 21)
Gemini: As one of the more youthful signs, you enjoy being playful. This is a month to engage in joyful activities. These could take the form of creativity, games, sports or being with children. Growth can come from balancing the enjoyable and expansive with the disciplined and goal oriented. Playfulness with purpose.

CancerCancer (June 22-July 22)
Cancer: A month of potential expanded consciousness for you, especially in mid-month during the New Moon Lunar Eclipse. Potentially this involves both being aware of new insights with the desire and ability to communicate what you are experiencing. Sharing this type of information can help you be a way shower to others.

LeoLeo (July 23-August 23)
Leo: Leo is ruled by the Sun. This month the Sun will be eclipsed at the New Moon on the 14th and create a Full Moon Lunar eclipse on the 28th. This suggests a time of caution for you. This is a time to pull your energy inward with the intention of doing some deep diving into your psyche. This will help you to be more productive and affective in the future.

VirgoVirgo (August 24-Sept 22)
Virgo: One of the main themes for many signs this month is sociability. You are one of those signs. This could pertain to putting some time in personal appearance as well as working to refine your social behaviors. The potential is to enhance the fulfillment and quality of your relationships.

LibraLibra (Sept 23-Oct 23)
Libra: This is a good time for communication. This could be verbal or written or might involve using your hands for playing instruments or doing crafts. The learning and sharing you can do this month is enhanced by having a clear intention about what and with whom you want to share. Your relationships and artistic output will expand with joy with that discipline.

ScorpioScorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22)
Scorpio: An abundance of energy will be available to you from mid-month on. This can be used for physical activities, creative output or to deepen your connections with others. With so much energy there is also the potential for volatility. Spending time in internal self-analysis can minimize that potential.

SagittariusSagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Sagittarius: This is a time to balance your focus. One theme is social. Communicating with friends and colleagues can bring clarity to the relationships. The second is introspection, spending time alone. This can be oriented to meditation and spiritual growth, seeking psychological clarity or using your alone time for artistic expression.

CapricornCapricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)
Capricorn: This could be a productive month for you. New connections made at work can prove useful. This could involve deepening your connection with colleagues that can lead to greater productivity for both of you. This is a good time to be creative in doing both new as well as old tasks.

AquariusAquarius (Jan 21 to Feb 19)
Aquarius: This could be a time of expanded consciousness, especially around the New Moon on the 14th. Clarity of self-awareness can lead to stimulating changes in your social life. Striving for enhanced insight into your place in life can lead to greater fulfillment in your spiritual life. Growth can come from realizing realistic limits and boundaries in some of the same areas you are focused on and expanding.

PiscesPisces (Feb 20-March 20)
Pisces: This month is all about relationships for you. This could pertain to deepening an ongoing social relationship as well as expanding your understanding of the relationship between you and Spirit Putting time and energy into your metaphysical or philosophical relationship to life is also available to you at this time.

Rio Olesky has been studying astrology since 1967 and has been a practicing professional astrologer since 1976. The author of Astrology and Consciousness, A Manual for the Modern Mystic, and The Astroreader, Rio offers weekly classes through Zoom. You can call Rio at 707-887-1820. Check out his website:

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