A few months ago astronomers announced new definitions for heavenly bodies in our solar system. If the body conformed to a certain standard it would be called a planet, if not it would be a dwarf planet or a pluton. According to these new stipulations, the one-time planet Pluto is now reduced to a pluton. Since that time I have been besieged by questions about this. Are astrologers no longer going to use Pluto in our calculations and interpretations? Are the horoscopes we've already done using Pluto no longer valid? To these and similar questions my answer is a resounding NO!
There are two ways that an astrologer can respond to this astronomical shift. One is to note the difference between astronomy and astrology. The former looks at the solar system (and ultimately the entire universe) as a physical manifestation only. Astronomers are concerned with how the physical structure of the universe began and the laws of its functionality. This is a fascinating study, one that can bring us closer to understanding the nature of the world around us. But there is also an underlying assumption in astronomy that what is happening in the big picture of the cosmos and what is happening in the small picture of the human experience are two entirely separate subjects. Metaphysically this reflects the duality that people in the Western world, or the "modern, industrialized world" define as reality. We are separate from each other, and collectively we are separate from that which is not us. This leads to the ultimate and obvious conclusion that God, or however one defines the Prime Deity, is separate; someone or something who has dominion over us and whom we must placate.
Astrologers define reality differently. We perceive life as being part of an integrated unity in which everything reflects and influences everything else. The Deity is not outside of us, it is everywhere and within everything. This leads to the realization that if we are not separate from the Divine, we must be divine. The question therefore becomes how to awaken to our divinity. This is a rather large question which goes beyond this column. The point is that astrologers recognize that the planets represent archetypes of energy and are reflective of human experience. If we understand the nature of those archetypes, and how they correlate to human activity, we can be more effective in creative happier, healthier lives and ultimately, reality on this plane. By seeing life this way we agree with the ancient idea that "as above, so below".
The second difference between the new categories of distinction that astronomers are positing and the way that astrologers relate to the bodies pertains to the discovery of the body itself. The astronomers have made an intellectual decision based on a desire to bring our understanding of the solar system into a neat and tidy package. Astrologers, again, look at planets differently. In a sense, astrology is the study of beginnings. We correlate the discovery of a new planet with events taking place on earth at that time. That correlation helps us to determine the nature of that planet's energy, or the archetype that that planet represents.
Pluto was discovered in 1930. One of the most profound things going on at that time was the cracking of the atom. We learning how to smash the smallest component of physical matter and in so doing releasing previously unimagined energy and power. Physicists were thus able to transform matter into energy. Hence Pluto is associated with transformation. This can be reflected in the human experience in several ways. Physically, major transits of Pluto can often indicate the onset of a life threatening disease that could significantly alter a person's quality of life. Shortly after the astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto, 12-step programs proliferated and became popular, as did psychotherapy, indicating that Pluto can also suggest psychological and behavioral transformation.
The name "Pluto" is also significant in determining its nature. Pluto is the name of the Roman god of the underworld (similar to the Greek god Hades). This implies that the heavenly body Pluto pertains to things that are under the surface and behind the scenes. Whether they are activities taking place in secret, emotions that are too sensitive to be revealed, or wisdom and states of consciousness that can be shared only with worthy seekers, Pluto pertains to things that prefer and deserve privacy.
The underworld can also imply death. Pluto is defined as the archetype of death, but in a metaphysical context that perceives life as a never ending cycle. All deaths are followed by a rebirth; all rebirths lead to a death. So Pluto, in another aspect of transformation, is the energy of death and rebirth. It provides us with the opportunity to look deeply within ourselves in order to discover aspects or elements of who we are, how we behave, what we value, believe or prioritize. Through this introspective self-analysis we can come to realize those parts of ourselves, our lives, even our relationships that are old and outmoded and which no longer serve our needs. With that clarity we can consciously and willingly let go of the old and make room for the new.
The concept and consciousness of this process is relatively new to the human experience. The beginnings of this coincided with the discovery of Pluto. Anyone who has taken advantage of the opportunity that the archetype "Pluto" provides knows that this process is very real and very valuable. And anyone who, in the face of a powerful Pluto transit, has failed to engage this process consciously, knows what it feels like to have their lives turned upside down and inside out for months, even years, at a time.
Astronomers can define heavenly bodies anyway they choose. They can change the criterion based on whatever variables are popular at that time. But astrologers will continue to note the position of Pluto in the natal chart, and follow the transits of Pluto, in order to be aware of when, how and where a person is being challenged to transform. This experience is highly significant to the process of personal growth and consciousness development, regardless of the intention and intellectual description given by astronomers.
Aries (March 21-April 20