The deeper into November we go, the longer the nights and the shorter the days. It’s time for hibernation. This coincides with the Sun entering Scorpio on the 22nd. Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, the sign of transformation. We can take advantage of the energy of the month by looking deeply within ourselves in order to root out anything that has ceased to be of value to us, but remains in our lives. The act of letting go that is a requirement of this process seems easy, but it’s not. Scorpio is a water sign and as such it highly prioritizes security, especially emotional security. Even if letting go of the old and outmoded is a priority at this time, Scorpio can resist it due to fear of also getting rid of things that have provided security for a while. If we give in to the fear, and refuse to let go, there are consequences.
This month Mars, the co-ruling planet of Scorpio will be in Scorpio until the 24th. Mars will conjunct the Sun virtually all month, energizing both Mars and the necessity of transforming. Mars and the Sun will also oppose Uranus from the 10th-17th and square Saturn from the 20th-27th. Saturn could ratchet up the fear, causing us to have no interest in letting go. Uranus, on the other hand, could impel radical changes that undermine our emotional well-being while not providing any emotional grounding. On top of all that, the New Moon will be in Scorpio on the 13th. This will tend to make this process both more personal and more emotional. And did I mention that Mercury will be in Scorpio until the 10th?
Transformation is a process that embraces both death as well as the rebirth that can emerge. One of the consequences of not engaging in this process is we could get stuck in the death phase of the cycle. This could lead to an extended period of mourning which keeps us attached and the depression that would accompany that choice. The longer we remain attached to whatever habit or behavior that has become obsolete the more we stagnate. Stagnation can lead to toxicity which in turn can lead to illness, emotional, psychological or physical.
Mars is the energy of physicality. This could include anything from sports to sex to working out. The conjunction of Mars and the Sun could lead to another way to avoid transforming – acting out. This could be a spontaneous reaction to the fear or the resulting inertia. Or it could be a more deliberate attempt to avoid the issue altogether. We could blame others, claiming to be a victim. We could respond to this victimhood by acting out, since Mars can pertain to anger and violence. attacking the designated perpetrator of our misery. We could also respond more surreptitiously by betraying that person or manipulatively and secretively trying to make their life miserable. The Sun Mars conjunction in Scorpio brings a lot of intense passion and power. The question is, how can we use those qualities to facilitate our own rebirth rather making the situation worse?
Scorpio excels at research. Step one is to look inside in order to discover the parts of ourselves and our lives that need to be removed. The centered Scorpio prioritizes honesty, and being honest with one’s self is fundamental to that. The off-center Scorpio tends to hide and manipulate or obfuscate and as such there is no resolution or rebirth.
The square to Saturn will tend to either block the transformation or tend to render us more controlling and manipulative. It could also, however, challenge us to take responsibility to do the deep diving and self-confrontation that can lead to rebirth in an empowered state of being. Squares between Saturn and the Sun often show up in the natal charts of high achievers. Use this aspect to clearly define the issues that need addressing and work them through in grounded, deliberate, methodical ways.
The opposition to Uranus provides both challenges and ways out. The challenges could pertain to simply wanting to space out and do nothing, to solve the issues theoretically and not practically or to simply make extreme changes that are designed, consciously or not, to run away from the problems. However, Uranus can provide two useful tools at this time. One is the ability to detach from the emotions that may be causing resistance to change based on fear of insecurity. The second is by offering us a process of experimental innovation that can find new and previously unknown or unexpected solutions.
This is a power packed month. It’s time for us to hibernate within our inner being. In that process we can discover and define those parts of our life that are old, outmoded, boring or dysfunctional. Once they have been delineated, work to simultaneously let go of the old while creating the new. The Uranian energy gives us the freedom to explore new possibilities and even to make mistakes. The Saturnine energy provides the structure and the inner guidance (Saturn is in Pisces) to find a path to generate new and exciting ways to be and things to do. The process of transformation can be as terrifying or as creative as we choose it to be.
Aries (March 21-April 20)
Aries: Two prime areas to address this month. One is your financial situation, especially if you share it with a partner or family. The other is your understanding of the nature of life and your place in that big picture. Growth can come from taking your time to work through these issues and avoiding your normal impatience.
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Taurus: Focus on bringing your primary relationship up to date. Whether that’s with a romantic or business partner, good friend or child. Work on this from two perspectives. One is to be emotionally honest in order to deepen the bond of trust between you. The other is work on maintaining your individuality in the situation even as you get closer.
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Gemini: The Full Moon will be in Gemini on the 27th. This is a time when your emotions will be heightened. This will help to realize what your true feelings are about the various people and situations in your life. Then the work begins to ensure that your relationship behaviors into coincide with your true feelings about those people and situations.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Cancer: As a water sign yourself, the call to look within to update and transform is important for you. Quality and consistent alone time is important in order to notice what inner work needs to be done. However, transformation could also accrue for you through enjoyable activities such as hobbies, creativity and spending time with children.
Leo (July 23-August 23)
Leo: As a fire sign, you tend to be transparent and upfront about yourself. This month however, is a time to look within. That could pertain to inner work leading to internal transformation. It could also mean to literally look at the more personal parts of your life, those involving home and family. The work may need to be done in either or both of those realms.
Virgo (August 24-Sept 22)
Virgo: A good way for you to create transformation at this time could be through writing. This could be in the form of journaling, creating a vehicle that provides personal feedback and perspective. Or it could involve writing to others in order to clear the air between you, allowing a deeper and more honest relationship to evolve.
Libra (Sept 23-Oct 23)
Libra: Early month provides clarity about issues related to work, health and family. In all cases, growth can come from tuning in and relying on intuitive insights to provide guidance for change.
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22)
Scorpio: The New Moon in Scorpio on the 13th highlights both the emotion of the month as well as a readiness to move on and create new beginnings. Opportunities for accelerated personal growth are available to you through the end of the year. Use this month to begin that process.
Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Sagittarius: Although there may be a lot of internal movement and change for you this month, there may not be a lot of external manifestation. Doing the inner work now can lead to emotional clarity and personal freedom in the future.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)
Capricorn: After several months of research and contemplation, this is a time to start putting new plans into operation. Step one in that process is to ensure that your goals are realistic and truly what you want to do. If so, get busy. If not, back to the drawing board.
Aquarius (Jan 21 to Feb 19)
Aquarius: The alignment in Scorpio could impact your professional life. This is a time to clean house at work. Work to eliminate the people, projects or plans that no longer further your productivity. Simultaneously, think about how to create a new work situation that more closely mirrors the plans and goals you have for the future.
Pisces (Feb 20-March 20)
Pisces: While other signs might resist the seasonal transformation necessary at this time, you might find it helpful. It would be useful to clarify your values and priorities, especially those oriented toward your educational, philosophical or spiritual reality. It can also help eliminate emotional attachments that have kept you stuck in old paradigms of reality.
Rio Olesky has been studying astrology since 1967 and has been a practicing professional astrologer since 1976. The author of Astrology and Consciousness, A Manual for the Modern Mystic, and The Astroreader, Rio offers weekly classes through Zoom. You can call Rio at 707-887-1820. Check out his website: